Saturday, March 8, 2014

the cooking cure: days 4 and 5

Day 4 involved putting together a shopping list for one breakfast recipe I picked on day 3 and then going shopping for the items.  Lucky for me I already had the necessary items so I didn't have to go shopping. (That's kinda why I picked the recipes I picked; I already had the ingredients.)

On day 5 I was supposed to make my breakfast; however, I decided to wait until this weekend.  It's hard enough having to get up earlier than I did for my last job.  There's no way I have time to cook in the morning. Yes, I could go to bed earlier and get up a half hour earlier, but I just don't want to.  Besides, the theme of my breakfast recipes is "make ahead", which I will do this weekend.

The weekend assignment says to think about next week and plan the rest of my recipes, do the shopping, and prep the ingredients.  I have mostly everything I need so I shouldn't have shop much tomorrow.  And all my recipes are pretty quick to make; mix everything in one bowl and then bake.

I will note that I've decided to swap a recipe for a different one.  I have some herbed goat cheese and some frozen spinach I need to use up so I am going to make fritatta cups (a bigger version of the little egg bites I make a couple weeks ago).   I'm thinking I probably won't need any additional seasonings, because the herbed goat cheese is pretty strong.  I'll just add a little salt and pepper and maybe a pinch of red pepper flakes.

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