Tuesday, September 30, 2014

today's breakfast and lunch

I've been eating more lunch meat lately.  I've discovered that meat containing nitrates bothers my stomach, so I've been buying the Applegate Farms brand.  It's good, but it's not cheap.  That doesn't matter much, though, because one package gives me about 3 meals.

However, after having lunch meat quite a bit over the last few weeks, I've decided that it doesn't really appeal to me the way it used to (many old favorites don't appeal to me anymore).  Maybe because I'm not eating bologna, which I love, or maybe because its rolled up with cheese and it's not on bread or a roll.  Just as well, I guess, since lunch meat tends to be pretty salty.

So, today for lunch I had Applegate Farms uncured ham rolled up with Pepper jack cheese, some pineapple, and some cheese.  For breakfast it was Greek yogurt with peanuts mixed in.

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