Wednesday, June 21, 2017

WLS enables you to break into your house. No, really!

Don't get me wrong: I'm not advocating for weight loss surgery so you can break into a house or otherwise break the law. I'm saying that it helped ME break into MY house last night.

Last night after work I dropped a book off at the library, went to Home Depot to buy some garden soil for my new raised bed, which my husband built for me (thank you!), then to Stop & Shop for a rotisserie chicken--I was craving it for some reason--and a few cold items.

When I got home I drove up on the lawn so I wouldn't have to carry five 50 lb. bags of soil across the lawn to the bed. I took all the soil out of the car, but in the process I heard my keys drop into the trunk. (Not sure why, but I was trying to hold onto them while wrestling with these 50 lb. bags, rather than just putting them down.) Forgetting that I heard my keys drop, I closed my trunk...and then realized my mistake when I heard the trunk hit the keys (they dropped in the well between the trunk and the trunk lid near the trunk hinge). And of course, my trunk release, which is on my car door, doesn't work anymore and hasn't in a couple years.

I tried texting my friend, who has my spare key, but no answer back. I then texted Bob just as an FYI. I thought about breaking into the house through a window, which Bob has had to do it few times. He mentioned trying the seat release (my back seats fold down), but the release is in the trunk, which I couldn't open. I was going to call AAA to have them break into my trunk, but then I figured I'd try the window.

Up until recently, it was difficult to get this window closed 100% (very old house with old windows), so Bob was always able to get in easily. Well, this window wouldn't budge because it's suddenly closing all the way like it should. I got the screen open, but not the window. I had the garden tools out, trying to pry it up, but no luck.

Bob then suggested a different window. It's near the back door and my desk is in front of it. By this time, the cats were gathering at the window, wondering what's going on and why mom isn't using the door. One in particular, Bailey, I knew would be a problem: he's an indoor cat, but once got a taste of the outside and now runs for the door when we come in or go out. My plan was to open the window enough to grab ahold of Bailey and then put him in the car, which I did. But then I realized the hot rotisserie chicken was in there. With a hungry cat. Alone. I promptly grabbed it out of the car and put it on the car roof. Bailey had his paws on the window and looked like he was trying to break out. I then popped open the screen, raised the window (it's old and doesn't lock), and climbed in over my desk. Within five minutes I was in, door unlocked, kitty and chicken safe in the house. It was very easy. A little too easy: it's a bit scary that I was able to break in that easily.

I had to wait until Bob got home to get my keys. He has the spare set and because he works an hour away and was on a double shift, he couldn't come home. But at least I got into the house.

Had this happened before my weight loss surgery, I'm not sure I would've been able to get into the window and climb over everything. I would've had a hard time getting myself up into the window, which was less that waist-high; been in pain from kneeling on the hard surface; and would have worried about the weight-bearing capability of my desk. Last night I was able to move easily, get into the window, kneel on my desk, and not knock anything over. Plus I didn't worry that my weight would break my desk (it's more of a table than a traditional desk). So, yeah, weight loss surgery enabled me to break into my house. 😁 (I wonder how many Google hits I'll get from people searching "how to break into a house"??)

1 comment:

  1. I still get google hits for how to bait a red belly black snake. :) I hope nobody is baiting any snakes. Weight loss does have some unexpected benefits which come to us as a surprise!
