Sunday, September 18, 2016

updated workout routine: more weight and more reps...again

My trainer just had knee replacement surgery, and I really think he has too much time to think up ways to torture me. Rather than adding something new to my routine, which I already slog through begrudgingly, he added more weight and more reps. I know, I know. There's an end result in mind and I have to do a lot of drudgery to get there, but it sucks nonetheless. I long for something new to do. Since I'm on my own until he gets back, I pick one or two days and make up my own routine.  The other three days I do the prescribed routine, which he said is fine with him. But I definitely look forward to him coming back in a few weeks.

The "new" routine consists of:
  • Jogging in place, jumping jacks and mountain climbers, alternated three times for a total of 8 minutes
  • 4 sets of 20 walking lunges holding two 15 lb. free weights by my side
  • 4 sets of 20 body squats holding one 15 lb. free weight
  • 4 sets of 20 kettle bell swings with a 25 lb. kettle bell
  • 4 sets of 20 squat jumps (I still HATE, HATE, HATE these!)
  • 4 sets of 15 push-ups
  • 3 sets of 20 reverse lunges using a 15 lb. kettle bell (not liking these anymore...boring! I actually use 20 lbs. since it's easier when I'm at the gym at work.)
  • 3 sets of 20 sumo uprights using a 25 lb. kettle bell
  • 4 sprints, 50 yards each
  • Stretching exercises for my back and hamstrings
  • Plank, as long as I can hold it
I've been slacking off a lot on the plank, and I really need to get back to it in order to strengthen my back and core. I stopped for awhile because my back was hurting more, which turns out it was because I was wearing my back brace too much, which was actually weakening my back. So, I've weaned myself off the brace and I'm feeling better overall.  Knees are doing good, too, since I'm doing the hamstring stretches every time I work out.  (BTW, hamstring stretches suck, too!  I'd rather be snuggling with Leia.) I recently downloaded an app for my phone called the 30-day Plank Challenge. You plank everyday for an increasing amount of time. Day 1 starts off at 20 second and Day 30 is 5 minutes (!!??).  I haven't tried it yet, plan to start tomorrow.

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