Wednesday, March 19, 2014

the cooking cure: days 11 and 12

The assignments for the last two days are the same as last Monday and Tuesday, except it was centered around dinner.

I'm almost embarrassed to show my list of dinners for last week; on two days I ate whatever I could grab and put no effort into it.  Some of you might see "pork rinds" and think either, "ewwww!" or, "what nutritional value could those possibly have?"  They have a lot of protein so they're good for snacking occasionally.

There isn't much I would want to subtract from this list, except maybe the pork rinds because it's just not "dinner."  I would leave everything else.  I would like to eat more egg cups, though.  They're so easy, delicious, and filling.  And the combinations are endless.  I just need to be more creative.

My goals are to eliminate snack-type food for dinner, cook more (always an issue with me; I get lazy and have a husband who lets me off easy), and start using the grill again.  The only reason I'm not grilling now is that we need to refill the propane.  Laziness, again.  Actually, my goal should be not to be so lazy.

Foods I'd like to eat more often are real, homemade hamburgers, real meat, like steak and chicken (not the vegetarian stuff), and more vegetables.  This surgery allows me to pretty much skip veggies in the early stages, but as I get further out I will need to add those back in.  I've realized one thing I will not be eating more of is salad.  Now that I have to chew so well, I find that it just doesn't appeal to me anymore.

So, tonight's assignment is to find five dinner recipes.  I plan to work on that and I'll post the recipes I want to try.

See?  Proof that I did the assignment.  Felix witnessed it.

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