
Saturday, February 1, 2020

good riddance to 2019, and hello to 2020!

Yikes. I can't believe it's been more than two months since I've last posted here. It's been a combination of laziness, not really having much to say, and not having a desire to sit here and type about nothing. But today I'm back, and I'm hoping I post more often.

So, what's been going on?

Well, I'm happy to say 2019 is over. It was the year of Stupid Bullshit, both personally and professionally.

Stupid Bullshit:
  • I ended a job of four years due to sale of the company and my position being made redundant
  • I started a new job, which I wasn't initially thrilled about giving I didn't WANT to get a new job (but I'm happy now)
  • Said new job was extremely frustrating for the first six months or so
  • I had a personal issue going on that cost a lot of wasted time, wasted money, a couple rude surprises, and shitload of hassle
  • My back pain got worse, and another the second round of radio frequency ablation didn't work
And here are the good things, which happened in the same year:
  • The frustration at my job resolved itself and I'm happy now
  • The personal issue was resolved. Another great day.
  • We sold our old house, which has been an anchor around my neck for more than five years. We took a big loss, but we're just glad to nearly be rid of it forever. (closing is soon)
  • I found alternative pain relief
And the biggest and probably most important Good Thing?  I made the decision to have back surgery. Lumbar fusion of the L4-L5 vertebrae.  

When is surgery?  March 3...and March 17. Yes, it's two surgeries:  one from the front to remove the disc and place the bone graft, and one from the back to build the cage.

So, I've decided that's what I'm going to blog about in the coming months:  prep for surgery, the surgery itself, and then recovery. Not only because it will give me something to post about, but hopefully it will get me back on track with my eating habits so I can lose a little weight before surgery.

What else will I post about? My new home gym, the new fuzzy additions to my family, and other things.

See you soon!


  1. Dear Dawn, good to hear this update-- happy for you finding pain relief and scheduling surgery. Nobody wants surgery but sometimes it's the only option and it sounds like you did everything you could. Best wishes for 2020!

  2. Keeping a good thought for you and yours. :) Excited to read posts from you again! You've inspired me to make a post for my blog but the update is a bit lengthy, will take some time to write it. :)
