
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

my latest tag sale finds

Twice a year the Stratford Cat Project, a cat rescue with which I volunteer and where most of my kitties have come from, holds a huge tag sale.  Proceeds go towards helping pay for medicals costs, supplies, etc.

I typically stop by later in the day to help pack up and transport boxes back to the storage unit. Before doing so, I walk around to see what kinds of things I can buy. Typically I'm looking for cat-related items (surprised??), such as pictures and statues.  The statues I use as garden ornaments and grave markers for kitties that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I also like to put the statues on the landings outside my front, side and back doors--people need to know a crazy cat lady lives here. I also look for other decorative items that might be somewhat of an antique, but those are few and far between. I also grab books to put in my spare bedrooms for when people stay over. I don't know if they read them or not, but I'm prepared!

Our last tag sale was in September and these are the items I came home with. I haven't found spots for everything yet, but I'm working on it. The house is in a bit of disarray at the moment between laying down the new flooring, putting up the remaining curtains that I bought months ago, and cleaning up in general.

This one reminds me of my mom's cat, Missy. She was a tuxedo cat and kind of a crabby diva, but we loved her. I'm thinking I might re-frame this one, since I'm not thrilled with the frame itself.

This would probably look nice across from the front door, but I haven't decided yet.

This one is my favorite and it's pretty big, although you can't tell in this picture. But below you can see it in it's chosen spot.  I got the desk at the local antique store for a really good price. It's late 18th century/early 19th century. The primitive bowl on top is from the same store, and I got that for less than $10.00. Got the wooden spoons there, too. (I LOVE wooden spoons!)

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